Wednesday, December 29, 2010

US Trip & New Limit on Eating Out

There are cheap flights to the US at the moment and the dollar conversion is awesome, so we decided to book a trip to the US. The flights should be confirmed tomorrow but it looks like we have 3 weeks in total and will visit New York, San Fransisco and Portland in June.

I'm super excited but overwhelmed looking at the eating options and trying to figure out what is g/f friendly. So if you have any recommendations please leave a comment!

To be able to afford the trip though we need to make some drastic cuts in our usual spending. We worked out recently that most of our money goes on eating out so in an effort to save, we are going to trial eating out only once a fortnight. This is quite a massive change from our normal eating out which involves eating out most of the weekend and one weeknight. 

On a completely unrelated note, look what Toby made with lego. It's the Melbourne Heart logo, which are his new favourite soccer team.


  1. Good work with the lego Toby!
    So jealous of your trip, we are trying to work out where to go next year too.

  2. It will be a great trip! We're looking at flights back, too, to visit my family - Andy's never actually been to the US. There are some great deals at the moment!

  3. you MUST go to 'babycakes' in NYC!
    also, try looking for RAW FOOD restaurants, as these are not only in abundance in new york, but are also always gluten / grain free (as far as i know!). for starters, try PURE FOOD and ONE LUCKY DUCK.

  4. You'll be visiting my fair city when it starts to warm up!

    I find Portland is incredibly helpful when it comes to labeling items as g/f, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to eat whatsoever. I must must MUST recommend Back to Eden for baked goods, obviously. They carry a lot of g/f foods that are so delicious :-)

  5. Gah! I'm having so much trouble with the intenet eating my comments on your blog lately!

    I'm so thrilled for you - love to live vicariously through others' US eats, although it makes me crazy envious at the same time :) Please go to Pure Food and Wine in New York - I've heard so much about it, and have never been myself despite visiting NY four times in recent yeas!

  6. Vicki, come with us :-)

    Theresa, I know it's super cheap.

    Annon, babycakes and pure food and wine are on the list. But I haven't heard of one lucky duck. Also thanks for the raw tip!

    Sgcorrie, adding it to my list now, thanks!

    Hannah, what has happened with the comments?

  7. omg, there are too many places in the US to recommend - it is vegan heaven, almost anywhere you go!! i recommend, as an alternative to all the classic veg restaurants, getting a giant soft pretzal with mustard from a street vendor in NYC, and make SURE you go to whole foods (or pretty much any "normal" supermarket) in a big city to stock up on veg food items (especially recommended is Yves deli slices...O.M.G.) for your suitcase. seriously, even things like cans of "parmesean" cheese in the US are so supercheap, get them get them get them!

  8. Louise, thanks for all the tips. Unfortunately pretzels and probably deli slices I will have to miss out on since I can't eat gluten anymore but Toby can indulge for me :-)
